British Midland International (bmi regional) Airlines Checked Baggage

Economy Fare20kg
Economy Flexible Fare30kg
Single Piece of Baggage32kg

Economy Fare Baggage

All passengers travelling on a bmi Regional Economy Fare are entitled to check in one item of baggage weighing up to 20kg as well as one item of hand baggage

Economy Flexible Fare Baggage Allowance

If you are travelling on an Economy Flexible Fare, you can check in up to two bags, with a maximum combined weight of 30kg. You can carry one item of hand baggage (see above).

Weight Limit for a Single Piece of Baggage All customers travelling with bmi Regional to and from the UK, are not permitted to check in any bag that weighs in excess of 32kg (70lbs).The maximum weight limit of 32kg for any individual piece of baggage does not affect the total combined weight of all bags you are entitled to check in. It is instead a safety measure aimed at reducing injuries to baggage handling staff.

For more details visit : http://www.bmi

BMI Regional Airlines Hand|Cabin Baggage

BMI Regional Airlines Excess Baggage

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