Long Semado Airport (LSM) Malaysia Contact Details

Long Semado Airports Call Centre

 Address: Miri Airport
P.O. Box 851
98008 Miri Sarawak, Malaysia. Telephone: +608 561 5204 / +608 561 5205 Fax: +608 561 4537

Long Semado Airport Code: LSM  View location of Long Semado Airport: https://www.google.com/maps/search/Long+Semado+Airport/@4.21719,115.600119,16z?hl=en

Lost & Foundhttp://www.klia.com.my/?m=lost_found&c=report

Long Semado STOL port serves the rural area of Long Semado in Sarawak. It is a Short Take-Off and Landing (STOL) airport, built to accommodate the needs of passengers and Travellers in remote areas.

☎ +1-855-501-0989