Mount Isa International Airport (ISA) Australia Contact Details

Mount Isa Airport Call Center Telephone: +617 4409 3000 Fax: +617 4743 0101 Email:

Compliance & Safety

Mount Isa International Airport: ISA

Website: View Location of Mount Isa Airport:,or.&bvm=bv.148747831,d.dGo&dpr=1&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjqi6nlzrzSAhWEipQKHSU6DvEQ_AUIBigB

Mount Isa is affectionately tagged by locals as The Isa, and is described as where the outback lives. The city has forged its way from a pioneering lead and silver mining town when discovered in 1923 to a city of nearly 25,000 people, its population includes the highest income per resident in the outback region. Set on the banks of the Leichardt River, the city is a dramatic green contrast to the hardened red terrain

Facilities At Mount Isa Airport (ISA)

Security is a top priority at Mount Isa Airport. On-site security measures are regularly monitored and the airport continues to meet stringent security standards set by the Federal Government. With over 50 different nationalities represented, Mount Isa is a significant cosmopolitan centre for the region with substantial amenities and facilities. The city is renowned for the Mount Isa Rotary Rodeo which occurs in August each year. The Mount Isa Rotary Rodeo is the largest rodeo in the southern hemisphere.

☎ +1-855-501-0989