Air Moldova Checked Baggage

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  • One standard checked piece of baggage has a weight of maximum 23 kg and the maximum dimensions are 158 cm.
  • One piece weights more than 32 kg, than repack it in 2 separate pieces of baggage or send it as cargo.
Adults and children aged 2 years and older for flights to/from ISTANBUL*3 pieces max.23kg/158cm3 pieces max.23kg/158cm3 pieces max.23kg/158cm3 pieces max.23kg/158cm
Adults and children aged 2 years and older for flights to/from HERAKLION (for tickets issued starting with May 20, 2016)2 pieces max.23kg/158cm2 pieces max.23kg/158cm1 piece max.23kg/158cm1 piece max.23kg/158cm
*Transfer fares to/from/via ISTANBUL and promotional fares3 pieces max.23kg/158cm1 piece max.23kg/158cm1 piece max.23kg/158cm
Adults and children aged 2 years and older for flights from LONDON2 pieces max.23kg/158cm2 pieces max.23kg/158cm1 piece max.23kg/158cm1 piece max.23kg/158cm (Not applicable for promo fares)
Adults and children aged 2 years and older for flights to/from other destinations2 pieces max.23kg/158cm2 pieces max.23kg/158cm1 piece max.23kg/158cmNot applicable
Air Moldova Club members: Prestige/Exclusive card holders shall present the card at check-in.1 piece max.23kg/158cm additional to the standard allowance

For more details visit : https://www.air

Air Moldova Excess Baggage

Air Moldova Hand | Cabin Baggage


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